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 힐의 아래쪽 하중으로 체중을 집중시키는 문제점으로 무지외반증 등 각종 발 건강을 해치는 문제점을 보완을 할 수 있는
아이템이 등장했다. 원리는 체중을 발가락쪽에서 다시 뒷꿈치쪽으로 다시 분산시키는 방법으로 발건강을 유지시킬 수 있는 일종의 연질 깔창을이용하는 방식이다.

Insolia Inserts were created by New Hampshire podiatrist, Howard Dananberg, DPM in response to hundreds of women in his practice suffering injuries from wearing high heels. Dr. Dananberg realized that high heel discomfort was directly related to foot alignment and weight distribution. He identified the optimal foot position and alignment and created patented formulas to correct it. These formulas were used to create the technology in Insolia Inserts.  Standard high heels shift weight to the ball of the foot and toes. Posture and body alignment shift to compensate. These effects cause a burning sensation in your forefoot, difficulty standing or walking, ankle weakness and leg and lower back pain.

Insolia Inserts shift weight to the heel, balancing the weight distribution while decreasing pressure on the ball of the foot. Insolia Inserts improve a womans body alignment and ankle stability while reducing leg and lower back fatigue, making high heels comfortable all day.

  • Weight distribution in the 3 inch high heel as purchased is roughly 75% on the forefoot, and 25% on the heel.  This is shown in the image above, on the foot on the left.
  • Weight distribution after the addition of Insolia Inserts, on the foot on the right, is roughly 50% on the forefoot, and 50% on the heel.
  • The addition of Insolia Inserts moves the Center of Pressure, or the Balance Point, almost 2 inches back towards heel.  The red diamonds and arrows show the movement of the Center of Pressure back towards the heel with the addition of Insolia High Heel Inserts.  This results in noticably better posture and reduced leg and back strain.

  • Insolia Inserts shift weight off of the ball of the foot back to the heel by placing the foot in the optimal position for high heels.
  • The Insolia Weight Shift Solution allows most women to wear their high heels up to three times longer than without Insolia Inserts.
  • The Insolia Weight Shift Solution restores balance and allows women in heels to return to their natural heel-toe stride.
  • The Insolia Weight Shift Solution improves body alignment and results in a higher degree of ankle stability while reducing pressure on the ball of the foot.
  • The Insolia Weight Shift Solution dramatically reduces leg and lower back pain caused by walking improperly.

  • http://insolia.com